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Civilian Chloe Stevens has worked her whole life to overcome her childhood. And she has worked even harder for the chance to become a profiler for the FBI. Getting stuck on a military base and transported to another world was not in her plans—any of them. Especially a colorful, exotic world as crazy and unpredictable as this one.

And when she adds the way too attractive beings and fanatical military members to the equation, pleased was not a word she would use to describe her feelings.

Because of her father, a not-so-great-and-almighty, four-star general, Chloe has no love for military life. And the four years she has been stuck on this world hasn’t changed her opinion much. Yet when the opportunity to join Eva’s old team arises, Chloe is ecstatic. She’ll finally be able to put all her training and profiler expertise to use. But will something, or someone, stand in her way—one very domineering officer in particular? Or will this new assignment inadvertently bring her the happiness she has always dreamed of?

Join new character, Chloe, in part four of this fantasy adventure where the team dynamics are tougher, the trials are more surprising, and frenemies turn into so much more on a world where the natives are alluring, the weather is fierce, romance builds over time, humor heals even the deepest wounds, and loyalties are strong.

Author’s Note: Before The Long Night Ends finishes Eva’s team’s stories. And books 5 and 6 will finish Berend’s, the other attractive beings’, and the rest of Eva’s people’s stories. I hope you enjoy them all!