What are these crazy RVers up to now?
Making RVing look good, of course!
I bet I made you smile, didn’t I? And aren’t these little beauties cute? Keep reading to find out who they are.
Since it’s been awhile since I’ve updated everyone on our day-to-day craziness, I thought I’d do so now. Starting with the first post “Moving On” (click the titles if you’d like to read the old posts). We loved our forever home, but we don’t miss it. We love this lifestyle, and we love that our beautiful house sold to another military family who are raising their kids and animals in it like we did. It makes our hearts happy.
Post two, “Co-Winky-Dinks? I think not!” We still don’t believe in Co-Winky-Dinks. There has been so much that has, and continues to, happen in our lives that we know God has directed. It’s been wonderful.
Post three, “The Sign Fairy”. Our daughter’s driving abilities are still questionable, and her ability to crash into things (even when she’s not the driver) is still epic. This child of ours sure does keep us entertained. 🙂
Post four, “Am I Crazy?” Yes, we are still crazy. Crazy blessed. This is the most fun we’ve ever had. And we’ve had a pretty fun life, so this says something.
Post five, “What do a one-legged peacock and a bearded dragon have in common?” Yes, I still love to visit zoos (even though they make me a little sad when I do). And as much as we enjoyed this one in Austin, we think the one in San Antonio is by far the best zoo we’ve ever been to. I highly recommend you go to both if you ever get the chance, but especially San Antonio’s. Their enclosures are huge, and the animals, birds, and reptiles seem happy and well cared for. (Photo credit goes to our very talented son!)
Post six and seven, “What kind of neighbors do you have when this is your backyard?” and “Our Wild Neighbors! Who Where They?” Both our human and wild neighbors are still awesome and quite unique, as shown by the picture of the beautiful parrots above. We just never know who or what we are going to encounter. It makes this lifestyle amusing. And I really do think you have to be a little bonkers to live this way, which is exactly what we’ve run into. You should see the size of camper these parrots live in with their two humans and pet dog. It’s small, like really small. I can only imagine what their mornings are like.
Post eight, “Conquering Our Phobias: What is mine?” I conquer a phobia every day—it’s called never knowing where we’re going to “live”. As in, we can only make reservations up to six months in advance, and some places we can’t even do that. They are first come, first serve. And at any time, any of these places can fall through. This puts a whole new spin on having faith that God will provide, even if at times that means a Walmart parking lot. Hey, no one ever said He would give us the Taj Mahal. 😉
Post nine, “The Tale of Two Fishes: And why they were on our camper floor.” Our son’s fishes are still alive, at least the two original ones are, which is amazing considering they live with just our son now. And all the stinky, dirty boyness that implies. This child keeps us entertained too.
Post ten, “Oops, I meant dirty duds! Not dirty deeds!” Our dirty laundry. Are we still washing it by hand? Nope. That got old quick. But since we still can’t use public washers because of my sensitivities to chemical residues we found an in-between solution. A washer and spinner unit that we pull out from underneath the camper when we need it. (See picture below) Then we either use the closest dryer depending on where we are staying, or hang dry them. It’s still a lot of work (for my husband, he took over the laundry—yea!!!) but it’s worth it.
So see, we are making RVing look good. I bet you all want to run out and join us now, don’t you?! 😉
Thanks for reading! Next month’s email will have the rest of the updates. See you all then.
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