
Conquering Our Phobias: What is mine? — 4 Comments

    • Thank you, Gina! We are having so much fun!
      And thank you again for following our adventures. I love being able to share them with others.
      Until the next one…

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I’ve sent you a couple reply’s in the last couple days but I think they got lost in space. Let me know if you received any because I hate to say the samething overand over.
    But anyway, I am realy enjoying your posts and I bet your having fun doing them. Keep up the good work, Ilove them.
    Love to you all, Terrie

    • Hi, Terrie
      This is the first reply I have received. Did you leave the other replies on this site or a different one like Facebook? I’m still learning how all this works so I might have missed one.
      And thank you for following our adventures. I’m so glad we get to share them with you and Art. And I’m really glad you are enjoying them.
      Much love to you all, too!

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