What does this full-time author and RVer do during a quarantine?
Pretty much the same activities I’ve always done, just tweaked a bit.
Write/Work: My husband and I already work from home (camper)—all we need is an internet connection and we’re good to go—so no change there. Other than that I’m jammin’ on Books 3 and 4 in my Before Series because I have more time. Yea for those of you who follow this series!
Cook/Eat: We’re health-nuts who cook 98% of our meals at home from scratch anyway, so no major change there either.
Workout: I might be slacking a bit on the workout part now that the base gym is closed. But my husband is doing well. He’s been using the bands and dumbbells we set up when we stay beside oceans and lakes. (Picture below.)
Walk: We still take our daily walks around the Fam Camp here on Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, just at a safer distance from others now. (Pictures of the camp below too.)
Birds: You have to watch the cute video of our little feathered friends below. My husband calls himself their “Sugar Daddy” because he’s the one who keeps their feeder full of sugar water. Their names are Yellowface and Mask. I’ll let you guess which one is which.
Shopping: We can’t go to the Commissary for food as often as we used to, which means fewer salads for me—and I’m a salad eating fool, so that has been an adjustment. And we also haven’t gone shopping anywhere off base since the quarantine began and won’t until it’s safe. But we’ve been able to find more than enough to eat, so we’ve been fine. And yes, the stores on the bases’ have been hit as hard as the ones off base. It’s been insane.
So as you can see, my husband and I have been fortunate that our lives haven’t changed much since all this COVID-19 craziness started. Thank you, Jesus! But we are praying for all of you whose lives have.
There is one circumstance that could be an issue if the situation gets worse. The base commander could kick us RVers off the base with only a 24-hour notice. And when you consider that the other bases aren’t letting any new RVers on and many of the state and local parks have closed, that scenario is more than a tad concerning.
But when you already live a life that can throw curveballs at you at any time, which for any of you who have followed my adventures knows life has, my husband and I just go with the flow. And that’s what we’ll continue to do for as long as this lasts.
Stay healthy and happy, my friends! This too will pass and we’ll all be stronger for it. I’d love to hear what you all are doing during this challenging time as well, so send me a note if you get the chance.
Hi Lisa and Troy,
Nice hearing about your days!
We are doing about the same except we have our meals brought to us, which is very nice!
Troy, your a good Sugar Daddy, I love watching the birds.
Art just left with Lexi for a walk, wanted to get out before it rains, not saying it rains very much, haha
Have a good day, love you Guys!
Hi, Art and Terrie!
Thank you for reading my Adventure Post. It’s so good to hear from you. And I’m really glad you guys are also doing well.
Meal delivers rocks! It’s awesome you have that option.
Tell Art to enjoy the walk. Although, I have a feeling he and Lexi are already back.
Have a great weekend and we love you guys too!